User status

User state diagram

Top users

Show top users in the platform.

  • Users with the highest reputation scores this week
    • Users who increased the most reputation this week
    • Show top 20 users with their increased reputation (ordered)
  • Users who voted the most this week
    • Number of votes cast for others
    • Show top 20 users with their number of votes (ordered)
  • Our community staff
    • Show all moderators, administrators
    • Ordered by reputation

Sign up

A user sign up process with email.

Sign up process

  • Display name (abbreviated as “name”):
    • Less than 30 characters.
  • Username:
    • Unique.
    • Less than 30 characters.
    • Can only contain 0-9, lowercase letters a-z, symbols - . _.
    • Generated based on the display name, spaces are replaced with symbols -.
    • If there is a repetition, add 4 random characters at the end, e.g. joe-x7k2.
    • Reserve keywords are not allowed.
  • Record the time of registration and the IP address.
  • The activation link is valid for 14 days.

Log in

A user wants to log in. The user’s login permissions are related to the status.

User status Normal Inactive Suspended Deleted
Log in Allowed Denied Denied Denied

Log in with email and password

  • Fill email and password to log in.
    • If the user does not exist, the message “Invalid email or password” is displayed to prevent the account from being attacked.
    • When an inactive user logs in, go to the page that asks for activation.
    • When an suspended user logs in, go to the ban prompt page.
  • Login status is remembered for 14 days by default.
  • Click “Forgot password” to reset password if someone forgot their password.

Log in from thridy-party OAuth

Thirdy-party OAuth process

Reset password












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