Answer using swagger to generate API document automatically. Swagger can display the API document in a friendly way, and can also provide a convenient way to test the API.

Where is the API document?

Quick Look

If you want to quickly view the API document, you can visit the following link:

View your own API document

If you already have an Answer instance, you can view the API document of your own instance by visiting the following link:

If you can’t access the above link, please check the following configuration items whether they are configured correctly.

```yaml title=”/data/conf/config.yaml” swaggerui: show: true protocol: http host: address: ‘:9080’ # leave blank to use the 80 port number

  1. ## Generate API document
  2. Answer using [swag]( to generate API document json/yaml file automatically according to the comments in the code. You can use the following steps to generate API document.
  3. ```bash
  4. # install swag cli
  5. $ go install
  6. # enter the project root directory and execute the following command
  7. $ cd script
  8. $ ./
  9. # the generated documentation is in the docs/api directory