Apache Answer helps you to build a community between your users and your team. It’s a place where you can share your knowledge and help your users to solve their problems.



Streamlined Q&A Experience

  • Question & Answer: Submit and answer questions effortlessly.
  • Real-time Preview with Markdown: Create your content and see formatting as you type with intuitive Markdown side by side, compatible with CommonMark.
  • Ping an Expert: Notify relevant users in the community who might have the answer for a quicker response.
  • Advanced Search: Find the content you’re looking for quickly with filtering options and tag, username, score, etc.
  • Real-Time Suggestions: Discover relevant questions as you type, and jump right to it.

Hassle-free Community Management

  • Admin/Moderator/User Roles: Manage user access levels for optimal control.
  • Add Bulk Users: Add multiple users at once and expand the community efficiently.
  • Tagging System: Organize the content with the tags for both efficient categorization and easy navigation.
  • Open Editing and Collaboration: Everyone can edit existing questions, answers, and tags to keep the content accurate and up-to-date.
  • Transparent Revision History: Every edit made can be tracked and stored for reference, allowing users to see how the content has evolved over time.

Cultivate a Thriving Community

  • Voting System: Build a better community with your voice: upvote the great answers, and downvote those doesn’t.
  • Reputation System: Earn recognition with contributions and unlock privileges in the community.
  • Notification: Always get notified of new comments, answers, invites, votes, and more.
  • Follow Tags: Follow tags and stay in the loop of your favorite Q&A.
  • User Profile: Show expertise, interests, and contributions to the community with pride.

Customization and Plugins

  • Themes and Layouts: Customize the online community to match your identity.
  • Plugins: Empower your Answer with plugins built by the community, such as third-party login, cache, search, etc.

Privacy and Security

  • Login Access Control: Take control of registrations, login methods, and allowed email domains to create a secure environment for the community.
  • Content Access Control: Content is accessible to the community members only, keeping the community discussions safe.


  • Multilingual: Build and host your community in different languages translated by the community.
  • Responsive Layout: Join the community conversation seamlessly from any device.
  • Dark Mode: Personalize community experience to stay concentrated.
  • Separation of front-end and back-end: It is a monorepo that contains both the frontend and the backend.