
  • INSTALL_PORT: specifies the port to boot when installation, default is 80.
  • AUTO_INSTALL: if set to true, the installation will be completed automatically by environment variable.

For auto install

  • DB_TYPE: database type, support [sqlite3 mysql postgres]
  • DB_USERNAME: database username
  • DB_PASSWORD: database password
  • DB_HOST: database host, like
  • DB_NAME: database name
  • DB_FILE: database file path, only for sqlite3
  • LANGUAGE: language, like en-US
  • SITE_NAME: site name Answer
  • SITE_URL: site url,
  • CONTACT_EMAIL: contact email
  • ADMIN_NAME: admin name
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: admin password
  • ADMIN_EMAIL: admin email


  • LOG_LEVEL: log level support [DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR]
  • LOG_PATH: log storage location