
The number is the minimum reputation required for a privilege. There are three options available for your community. You can change this in Admin settings.

Privileges Level 1 Level 2 (default) Level 3
Description Less reputation required for private team, group. Low reputation required for startup community. High reputation required for mature community.
Ask question 1 1 1
Write answer 1 1 1
Write comment 1 1 1
Flag 1 1 1
Upvote comment 1 1 1
Post more than 2 links at a time 1 10 10
Upvote question 1 8 15
Upvote answer 1 8 15
Edit tag description (need to review) 1 50 100
Downvote question 125 125 125
Downvote answer 125 125 125
Edit other’s question (need to review) 1 100 200
Edit other’s answer (need to review) 1 100 200
Invite to answer 1 500 1000
Create new tag 1 750 1500
Edit other’s question without review 1 1000 2000
Edit other’s answer without review 1 1000 2000
Review question edits 1 1000 2000
Review answer edits 1 1000 2000
Review tag edits 1 2500 5000
Edit tag description without review 1 10000 20000
Manage tag synonyms 1 10000 20000

User roles

Permission \ Roles User Moderator Admin
Default with no special access
Has access to all posts except site admin -
Have the full power to access the site - -