Flink is a powerful high-performance distributed stream processing engine,More information about it you can,You can search for Apache Flink

Begin with flink.

Example: I set a precise Checkpoint for this job

  1. env {
  2. parallelism = 1
  3. flink.execution.checkpointing.unaligned.enabled=true
  4. }

Enumeration types are not currently supported, you need to specify them in the Flink conf file ,Only these types of Settings are supported for the time being:

This is a simple job that runs on Flink Randomly generated data is printed to the console

  1. env {
  2. # common parameter
  3. parallelism = 1
  4. checkpoint.interval = 5000
  5. # flink special parameter
  6. flink.execution.checkpointing.mode = "EXACTLY_ONCE"
  7. flink.execution.checkpointing.timeout = 600000
  8. }
  9. source {
  10. FakeSource {
  11. row.num = 16
  12. result_table_name = "fake_table"
  13. schema = {
  14. fields {
  15. c_map = "map<string, string>"
  16. c_array = "array<int>"
  17. c_string = string
  18. c_boolean = boolean
  19. c_int = int
  20. c_bigint = bigint
  21. c_double = double
  22. c_bytes = bytes
  23. c_date = date
  24. c_decimal = "decimal(33, 18)"
  25. c_timestamp = timestamp
  26. c_row = {
  27. c_map = "map<string, string>"
  28. c_array = "array<int>"
  29. c_string = string
  30. c_boolean = boolean
  31. c_int = int
  32. c_bigint = bigint
  33. c_double = double
  34. c_bytes = bytes
  35. c_date = date
  36. c_decimal = "decimal(33, 18)"
  37. c_timestamp = timestamp
  38. }
  39. }
  40. }
  41. }
  42. }
  43. transform {
  44. # If you would like to get more information about how to configure seatunnel and see full list of transform plugins,
  45. # please go to https://seatunnel.apache.org/docs/transform-v2/sql
  46. }
  47. sink{
  48. Console{}
  49. }

How to run a job in a project

After you pull the code to the local, go to the seatunnel-examples/seatunnel-flink-connector-v2-example module find org.apache.seatunnel.example.flink.v2.SeaTunnelApiExample To complete the operation of the job