Pulsar sink connector

Support Those Engines

Seatunnel Zeta

Key features


Sink connector for Apache Pulsar.

Supported DataSource Info

Datasource Supported Versions
Pulsar Universal

Sink Options

Name Type Required Default Description
topic String Yes - sink pulsar topic
client.service-url String Yes - Service URL provider for Pulsar service.
admin.service-url String Yes - The Pulsar service HTTP URL for the admin endpoint.
auth.plugin-class String No - Name of the authentication plugin.
auth.params String No - Parameters for the authentication plugin.
format String No json Data format. The default format is json. Optional text format.
field_delimiter String No , Customize the field delimiter for data format.
semantics Enum No AT_LEAST_ONCE Consistency semantics for writing to pulsar.
transaction_timeout Int No 600 The transaction timeout is specified as 10 minutes by default.
pulsar.config Map No - In addition to the above parameters that must be specified by the Pulsar producer client.
message.routing.mode Enum No RoundRobinPartition Default routing mode for messages to partition.
partition_key_fields array No - Configure which fields are used as the key of the pulsar message.
common-options config no - Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details.

Parameter Interpretation

client.service-url [String]

Service URL provider for Pulsar service. To connect to Pulsar using client libraries, you need to specify a Pulsar protocol URL. You can assign Pulsar protocol URLs to specific clusters and use the Pulsar scheme.

For example, localhost: pulsar://localhost:6650,localhost:6651.

admin.service-url [String]

The Pulsar service HTTP URL for the admin endpoint.

For example, http://my-broker.example.com:8080, or https://my-broker.example.com:8443 for TLS.

auth.plugin-class [String]

Name of the authentication plugin.

auth.params [String]

Parameters for the authentication plugin.

For example, key1:val1,key2:val2

format [String]

Data format. The default format is json. Optional text format. The default field separator is “,”. If you customize the delimiter, add the “field_delimiter” option.

field_delimiter [String]

Customize the field delimiter for data format.The default field_delimiter is ‘,’.

semantics [Enum]

Consistency semantics for writing to pulsar. Available options are EXACTLY_ONCE,NON,AT_LEAST_ONCE, default AT_LEAST_ONCE. If semantic is specified as EXACTLY_ONCE, we will use 2pc to guarantee the message is sent to pulsar exactly once. If semantic is specified as NON, we will directly send the message to pulsar, the data may duplicat/lost if job restart/retry or network error.

transaction_timeout [Int]

The transaction timeout is specified as 10 minutes by default. If the transaction does not commit within the specified timeout, the transaction will be automatically aborted. So you need to ensure that the timeout is greater than the checkpoint interval.

pulsar.config [Map]

In addition to the above parameters that must be specified by the Pulsar producer client, the user can also specify multiple non-mandatory parameters for the producer client, covering all the producer parameters specified in the official Pulsar document.

message.routing.mode [Enum]

Default routing mode for messages to partition. Available options are SinglePartition,RoundRobinPartition. If you choose SinglePartition, If no key is provided, The partitioned producer will randomly pick one single partition and publish all the messages into that partition, If a key is provided on the message, the partitioned producer will hash the key and assign message to a particular partition. If you choose RoundRobinPartition, If no key is provided, the producer will publish messages across all partitions in round-robin fashion to achieve maximum throughput. Please note that round-robin is not done per individual message but rather it’s set to the same boundary of batching delay, to ensure batching is effective.

partition_key_fields [String]

Configure which fields are used as the key of the pulsar message.

For example, if you want to use value of fields from upstream data as key, you can assign field names to this property.

Upstream data is the following:

name age data
Jack 16 data-example1
Mary 23 data-example2

If name is set as the key, then the hash value of the name column will determine which partition the message is sent to.

If not set partition key fields, the null message key will be sent to.

The format of the message key is json, If name is set as the key, for example ‘{“name”:”Jack”}’.

The selected field must be an existing field in the upstream.

common options

Source plugin common parameters, please refer to Source Common Options for details.

Task Example


This example defines a SeaTunnel synchronization task that automatically generates data through FakeSource and sends it to Pulsar Sink. FakeSource generates a total of 16 rows of data (row.num=16), with each row having two fields, name (string type) and age (int type). The final target topic is test_topic will also be 16 rows of data in the topic. And if you have not yet installed and deployed SeaTunnel, you need to follow the instructions in Install SeaTunnel to install and deploy SeaTunnel. And then follow the instructions in Quick Start With SeaTunnel Engine to run this job.

  1. # Defining the runtime environment
  2. env {
  3. # You can set flink configuration here
  4. execution.parallelism = 1
  5. job.mode = "BATCH"
  6. }
  7. source {
  8. FakeSource {
  9. parallelism = 1
  10. result_table_name = "fake"
  11. row.num = 16
  12. schema = {
  13. fields {
  14. name = "string"
  15. age = "int"
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }
  20. sink {
  21. Pulsar {
  22. topic = "example"
  23. client.service-url = "localhost:pulsar://localhost:6650"
  24. admin.service-url = "http://my-broker.example.com:8080"
  25. result_table_name = "test"
  26. pulsar.config = {
  27. sendTimeoutMs = 30000
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }


next version

  • Add Pulsar Sink Connector