IoTDB sink connector

Support Those Engines

SeaTunnel Zeta


Used to write data to IoTDB.

Using Dependency

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/plugins/.

For SeaTunnel Zeta Engine

  1. You need to ensure that the jdbc driver jar package has been placed in directory ${SEATUNNEL_HOME}/lib/.

Key Features

IoTDB supports the exactly-once feature through idempotent writing. If two pieces of data have the same key and timestamp, the new data will overwrite the old one.

There is a conflict of thrift version between IoTDB and Spark.Therefore, you need to execute rm -f $SPARK_HOME/jars/libthrift* and cp $IOTDB_HOME/lib/libthrift* $SPARK_HOME/jars/ to resolve it.

Supported DataSource Info

Datasource Supported Versions Url
IoTDB >= 0.13.0 localhost:6667

Data Type Mapping

IotDB Data Type SeaTunnel Data Type

Sink Options

Name Type Required Default Description
node_urls String Yes - IoTDB cluster address, the format is "host1:port" or "host1:port,host2:port"
username String Yes - IoTDB user username
password String Yes - IoTDB user password
key_device String Yes - Specify field name of the IoTDB deviceId in SeaTunnelRow
key_timestamp String No processing time Specify field-name of the IoTDB timestamp in SeaTunnelRow. If not specified, use processing-time as timestamp
key_measurement_fields Array No exclude device & timestamp Specify field-name of the IoTDB measurement list in SeaTunnelRow. If not specified, include all fields but exclude device & timestamp
storage_group Array No - Specify device storage group(path prefix)
example: deviceId = ${storage_group} + “.” + ${key_device}
batch_size Integer No 1024 For batch writing, when the number of buffers reaches the number of batch_size or the time reaches batch_interval_ms, the data will be flushed into the IoTDB
max_retries Integer No - The number of retries to flush failed
retry_backoff_multiplier_ms Integer No - Using as a multiplier for generating the next delay for backoff
max_retry_backoff_ms Integer No - The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a request to IoTDB
default_thrift_buffer_size Integer No - Thrift init buffer size in IoTDB client
max_thrift_frame_size Integer No - Thrift max frame size in IoTDB client
zone_id string No - java.time.ZoneId in IoTDB client
enable_rpc_compression Boolean No - Enable rpc compression in IoTDB client
connection_timeout_in_ms Integer No - The maximum time (in ms) to wait when connecting to IoTDB
common-options no - Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to Sink Common Options for details


  1. env {
  2. parallelism = 2
  3. job.mode = "BATCH"
  4. }
  5. source {
  6. FakeSource {
  7. row.num = 16
  8. bigint.template = [1664035200001]
  9. schema = {
  10. fields {
  11. device_name = "string"
  12. temperature = "float"
  13. moisture = "int"
  14. event_ts = "bigint"
  15. c_string = "string"
  16. c_boolean = "boolean"
  17. c_tinyint = "tinyint"
  18. c_smallint = "smallint"
  19. c_int = "int"
  20. c_bigint = "bigint"
  21. c_float = "float"
  22. c_double = "double"
  23. }
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }

Upstream SeaTunnelRow data format is the following:

device_name temperature moisture event_ts c_string c_boolean c_tinyint c_smallint c_int c_bigint c_float c_double
root.test_group.device_a 36.1 100 1664035200001 abc1 true 1 1 1 2147483648 1.0 1.0
root.test_group.device_b 36.2 101 1664035200001 abc2 false 2 2 2 2147483649 2.0 2.0
root.test_group.device_c 36.3 102 1664035200001 abc3 false 3 3 3 2147483649 3.0 3.0


only fill required config. use current processing time as timestamp. and include all fields but exclude device & timestamp as measurement fields

  1. sink {
  2. IoTDB {
  3. node_urls = "localhost:6667"
  4. username = "root"
  5. password = "root"
  6. key_device = "device_name" # specify the `deviceId` use device_name field
  7. }
  8. }

Output to IoTDB data format is the following:

  1. IoTDB> SELECT * FROM root.test_group.* align by device;
  2. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
  3. | Time| Device| temperature| moisture| event_ts| c_string| c_boolean| c_tinyint| c_smallint| c_int| c_bigint| c_float| c_double|
  4. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
  5. |2023-09-01T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_a| 36.1| 100| 1664035200001| abc1| true| 1| 1| 1| 2147483648| 1.0| 1.0|
  6. |2023-09-01T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_b| 36.2| 101| 1664035200001| abc2| false| 2| 2| 2| 2147483649| 2.0| 2.0|
  7. |2023-09-01T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_c| 36.3| 102| 1664035200001| abc2| false| 3| 3| 3| 2147483649| 3.0| 3.0|
  8. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+---------+-----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+


use source event’s time

  1. sink {
  2. IoTDB {
  3. node_urls = "localhost:6667"
  4. username = "root"
  5. password = "root"
  6. key_device = "device_name" # specify the `deviceId` use device_name field
  7. key_timestamp = "event_ts" # specify the `timestamp` use event_ts field
  8. }
  9. }

Output to IoTDB data format is the following:

  1. IoTDB> SELECT * FROM root.test_group.* align by device;
  2. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
  3. | Time| Device| temperature| moisture| event_ts| c_string| c_boolean| c_tinyint| c_smallint| c_int| c_bigint| c_float| c_double|
  4. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+----------+----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+
  5. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_a| 36.1| 100| 1664035200001| abc1| true| 1| 1| 1| 2147483648| 1.0| 1.0|
  6. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_b| 36.2| 101| 1664035200001| abc2| false| 2| 2| 2| 2147483649| 2.0| 2.0|
  7. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_c| 36.3| 102| 1664035200001| abc2| false| 3| 3| 3| 2147483649| 3.0| 3.0|
  8. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+--------------+---------+---------+-----------+-----------+------+-----------+--------+---------+


use source event’s time and limit measurement fields

  1. sink {
  2. IoTDB {
  3. node_urls = "localhost:6667"
  4. username = "root"
  5. password = "root"
  6. key_device = "device_name"
  7. key_timestamp = "event_ts"
  8. key_measurement_fields = ["temperature", "moisture"]
  9. }
  10. }

Output to IoTDB data format is the following:

  1. IoTDB> SELECT * FROM root.test_group.* align by device;
  2. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+
  3. | Time| Device| temperature| moisture|
  4. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+
  5. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_a| 36.1| 100|
  6. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_b| 36.2| 101|
  7. |2022-09-25T00:00:00.001Z|root.test_group.device_c| 36.3| 102|
  8. +------------------------+------------------------+--------------+-----------+


2.2.0-beta 2022-09-26

  • Add IoTDB Sink Connector

2.3.0-beta 2022-10-20

  • [Improve] Improve IoTDB Sink Connector (2917)
    • Support align by sql syntax
    • Support sql split ignore case
    • Support restore split offset to at-least-once
    • Support read timestamp from RowRecord
  • [BugFix] Fix IoTDB connector sink NPE (3080)