Tablestore sink connector


Write data to Tablestore

Key features


name type required default value
end_point string yes -
instance_name string yes -
access_key_id string yes -
access_key_secret string yes -
table string yes -
primary_keys array yes -
batch_size string no 25
common-options config no -

end_point [string]

endPoint to write to Tablestore.

instanceName [string]

The instanceName of Tablestore.

access_key_id [string]

The access id of Tablestore.

access_key_secret [string]

The access secret of Tablestore.

table [string]

The table of Tablestore.

primaryKeys [array]

The primaryKeys of Tablestore.

common options [ config ]

Sink plugin common parameters, please refer to Sink Common Options for details.


  1. Tablestore {
  2. end_point = "xxxx"
  3. instance_name = "xxxx"
  4. access_key_id = "xxxx"
  5. access_key_secret = "xxxx"
  6. table = "sink"
  7. primary_keys = ["pk_1","pk_2","pk_3","pk_4"]
  8. }


next version

  • Add Tablestore Sink Connector