AmazonDynamoDB source connector


Read data from Amazon DynamoDB.

Key features


name type required default value
url string yes -
region string yes -
access_key_id string yes -
secret_access_key string yes -
table string yes -
schema config yes -
common-options yes -
scan_item_limit false -
parallel_scan_threads false -

url [string]

The URL to read to Amazon Dynamodb.

region [string]

The region of Amazon Dynamodb.

accessKeyId [string]

The access id of Amazon DynamoDB.

secretAccessKey [string]

The access secret of Amazon DynamoDB.

table [string]

The table of Amazon DynamoDB.

schema [Config]

fields [config]

Amazon Dynamodb is a NOSQL database service of support keys-value storage and document data structure,there is no way to get the data type.Therefore, we must configure schema.

such as:

  1. schema {
  2. fields {
  3. id = int
  4. key_aa = string
  5. key_bb = string
  6. }
  7. }

common options

Source Plugin common parameters, refer to Source Plugin for details


number of item each scan request should return


number of logical segments for parallel scan


  1. Amazondynamodb {
  2. url = ""
  3. region = "us-east-1"
  4. accessKeyId = "dummy-key"
  5. secretAccessKey = "dummy-secret"
  6. table = "TableName"
  7. schema = {
  8. fields {
  9. artist = string
  10. c_map = "map<string, array<int>>"
  11. c_array = "array<int>"
  12. c_string = string
  13. c_boolean = boolean
  14. c_tinyint = tinyint
  15. c_smallint = smallint
  16. c_int = int
  17. c_bigint = bigint
  18. c_float = float
  19. c_double = double
  20. c_decimal = "decimal(30, 8)"
  21. c_null = "null"
  22. c_bytes = bytes
  23. c_date = date
  24. c_timestamp = timestamp
  25. }
  26. }
  27. }


next version

  • Add Amazon DynamoDB Source Connector
  • Add source split to Amazondynamodb Connectors