JDO provides a standard utility that gives access to useful parts of the JDO persistence process. This is known as JDOHelper (javax.jdo.JDOHelper)Image 1: image

PersistenceManagerFactory methods

The methods in JDOHelper can be split into categories. Here we start with the methods for creating the starting point for persistence, the PersistenceManagerFactory (PMF)

  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map props) - creates a PMF given a Map of the properties
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(Map props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a Map of the properties, and a ClassLoader to use
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(String resource) - creates a PMF given a resource defining the properties. This can be used to create a named PMF in JDO2.1
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(String props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a resource defining the properties, and a ClassLoader to use
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(File props) - creates a PMF given a file containing the properties
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(File props, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a file containing the properties and a ClassLoader to use
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(String jndi, Context ctx) - creates a PMF given a JNDI resource
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(String jndi, Context ctx, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given a JNDI resource and a ClassLoader to use
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(InputStream strm) - creates a PMF given an InputStream
  • getPersistenceManagerFactory(InputStream strm, ClassLoader cl) - creates a PMF given an InputStream and a ClassLoader to use

Persistence methods

Now we move onto the operations for persistence.

  • getPersistenceManager(Object pc) - returns the PersistenceManager associated with the passed object (if any)
  • makeDirty(Object pc, String fieldName) - marks the field of the passed object as dirty (meaning that it needs updating in its datastore)
  • getObjectId(Object pc) - returns the object identity for the passed object (if persistent)
  • getObjectIds(Collection pc) - returns the object identities for the passed objects (if persistent)
  • getObjectIds(Object[] pc) - returns the object identities for the passed objects (if persistent)
  • getVersion(Object pc) - returns the version for the passed object (if persistent)

Lifecycle methods

Now we move onto lifecycle operations

  • getObjectState(Object pc) - returns the object state
  • isDirty(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is dirty
  • isTransactional(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is transactional
  • isPersistent(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is persistent
  • isNew(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is new
  • isDeleted(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is deleted
  • isDetached(Object pc) - returns whether the passed object is detached