How do I contribute (e.g. give feedback, fix bugs, etc.)?

Apache JDO is run as an open source project, so we always appreciate any contributions, including documentation help, source code, and feedback. If you would like to suggest changes, we would appreciate it if they would come in the form of source code and/or constructive feedback.

The default way of providing contributions to this project is through our GitHub page (JDO repo, website repo). We are following the default GitHub workflow using forks.

If a pull request is related to an existing JDO JIRA ticket, you can include a reference to the ticket in the title using the format [JDO-1234]. This will automatically create a reference to the pull request in the ticket. Please also include a link to the referenced JIRA ticket in the pull request message.

More information on how to access the project source code is available here.

Reporting Bugs

Bugs and other issues can be posted on the project JIRA.

Contacting Us

The project uses different channels of communication:

  • Discussion occurs on the JDO mailing lists.
  • Additional documentation and discussion can be found on the project wiki.
  • We have a communications conference call every week. During this call we discuss project status, issues, concerns, and strategy. Everyone interested in Apache JDO is welcome and encouraged to participate. The agenda is available on the Dev List (see JDO mailing lists).

Contributing as a Non-Committer

In general, contributing to an Apache project requires the contributor signing the Apache Contributor License Agreement. This is, however, only strictly required for “major contributions.” The boundary for such “major contributions” is not firmly defined, but minor code changes, bug fixes, or documentation changes, for example, should generally not require the signing of the license agreement. If you are not sure whether your contribution requires the signing of the license agreement, feel free to ask.

Becoming a Committer

To receive direct push access to the repository, you will have to become an official committer.

If you’re interested in becoming a committer: