Description Options field_mapper [config] common options [config] Example Changelog new version FieldMapper transform plugin Description Add input schema and output sc...
You can use Underscore in either an object-oriented or a functional style, depending on your preference. The following two lines of code are identical ways to double a list of num...
When you share an HTML output page with others, they may want the Rmd source file, too. For example, they may want to change the Rmd source and compile the report by themselves. Y...
Description Options include_kinds [array] exclude_kinds [array] common options [string] Examples FilterRowKind transform plugin Description Filter the data by RowKind ...
The basic R session information when compiling this book is as follows: xfun :: session_info ( c ( 'bookdown' , 'knitr' , 'rmarkdown' , 'xfun' ), dependencies = F...
result_table_name [string] parallelism [int] Example Common parameters of source connectors name type required default value result_table_name string no - ...
Apache XTable™ (Incubating) synced tables behave the similarly to native tables which means you do not need any additional configurations on query engines’ side to work with table...