Build A Custom EventHandler Enable Custom EventHandler Kyuubi provide event processing mechanism, it can help us to record some events. Beside the builtin JsonLoggingEventHandle...
It is useful to comment out text in the source document, which will not be displayed in the final output document. For this purpose, we can use the HTML syntax <!-- your comment -...
source_table_name [string] parallelism [int] Examples Common parameters of sink connectors name type required default value source_table_name string no - p...
Hive Connector Integration Dependencies Configurations Hive Connector Operations The Kyuubi Hive Connector is a datasource for both reading and writing Hive table, It is imple...
Prerequisites Kyuubi supports Apache Hive beeline that works with Kyuubi server. Hive beeline is a SQLLine CLI based on the Hive JDBC Driver . Prerequisites Kyuubi server ins...
Description Options separator [string] split_field[string] output_fields[array] common options [string] Example Changelog new version Split transform plugin Descript...
Description Options fields [array] common options [string] Example Changelog new version Filter transform plugin Description Filter the field. Options name type ...
Description Options fields [config] common options [string] Example Changelog new version Copy transform plugin Description Copy a field to a new field. Options n...