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    580 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Introduction Order nodes by property Order nodes by multiple properties Order nodes in descending order Ordering null ORDER BY is a sub-clause following WITH . ORDER BY spec...
  • Cypher in SQL expressions

    575 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Using Cypher with ‘=’ Working with Postgres’s IN Clause Working with the Postgres EXISTS Clause Querying Multiple Graphs Cypher cannot be used in an expression— the query must...
  • Auxiliary SQL Functions

    575 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Kyuubi provides several auxiliary SQL functions as supplement to Flink’s Built-in Functions Name Description Return Type Since kyuubi_version Return the version of K...
  • Object

    570 2024-06-05 《Ramda 0.4.0》
    clone values eqProps keys omit pick pickAll project prop props keysIn path valuesIn toPairs toPairsIn clone {*} → {*} Parameters valueThe object or array to c...
  • Connectors for Spark SQL Query Engine

    557 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Delta Lake Delta Lake with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Hudi Iceberg Kudu Hive Apache Paimon (Incubating) TiDB TPC-DS TPC-H
  • Using Cypher in a CTE Expression

    537 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    There are no restrictions to using Cypher with CTEs (Common Table Expressions ). Query: WITH graph_query as ( SELECT * FROM cypher ( 'graph_name' , $$ ...

    533 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Terminal DELETE clauses Introduction Delete isolated vertices Delete all vertices and edges associated with them Delete edges only Return a deleted vertex The DELETE clause...
  • SQL In Cypher

    529 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Create Function Query AGE does not support SQL being directly written in Cypher. However with user defined functions you can write SQL queries and call them in a cypher command...

    510 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Terminal REMOVE clauses Remove a property The REMOVE clause is used to remove properties from vertex and edges. Terminal REMOVE clauses A REMOVE clause that is not followed ...
  • Using Cypher in a Join expression

    500 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    A Cypher query can be part of a JOIN clause. Developers Note Cypher queries using the CREATE , SET , REMOVE clauses cannot be used in sql queries with JOINs , as...