Introduction Order nodes by property Order nodes by multiple properties Order nodes in descending order Ordering null ORDER BY is a sub-clause following WITH . ORDER BY spec...
Using Cypher with ‘=’ Working with Postgres’s IN Clause Working with the Postgres EXISTS Clause Querying Multiple Graphs Cypher cannot be used in an expression— the query must...
Kyuubi provides several auxiliary SQL functions as supplement to Flink’s Built-in Functions Name Description Return Type Since kyuubi_version Return the version of K...
There are no restrictions to using Cypher with CTEs (Common Table Expressions ). Query: WITH graph_query as ( SELECT * FROM cypher ( 'graph_name' , $$ ...
Terminal DELETE clauses Introduction Delete isolated vertices Delete all vertices and edges associated with them Delete edges only Return a deleted vertex The DELETE clause...
Create Function Query AGE does not support SQL being directly written in Cypher. However with user defined functions you can write SQL queries and call them in a cypher command...
Terminal REMOVE clauses Remove a property The REMOVE clause is used to remove properties from vertex and edges. Terminal REMOVE clauses A REMOVE clause that is not followed ...
A Cypher query can be part of a JOIN clause. Developers Note Cypher queries using the CREATE , SET , REMOVE clauses cannot be used in sql queries with JOINs , as...