_.assign(object, [sources]) Since Arguments Returns Example _.assignIn(object, [sources]) Since Aliases Arguments Returns Example _.assignInWith(object, sources, [cust...
The Engine Configuration Guide The Engine Configuration Guide Kyuubi aims to bring Spark to end-users who need not qualify with Spark or something else related to the big data a...
Description Options source_table_name [string] query [string] Example Struct query Job Config Example Changelog new version SQL transform plugin Description Use SQL ...
Cypher Parameter Format Prepared Statements Preparation Prepared Statements Execution Cypher can run a read query within a Prepared Statement. When using parameters with stored...
Terminal SET clauses Set a property Return created vertex Remove a property Set multiple properties using one SET clause The SET clause is used to update labels and properti...
Features Usage Hive Dialect plugin aims to provide Hive Dialect support to Spark’s JDBC source. It will auto registered to Spark and applied to JDBC sources with url prefix of j...