LaTeX and HTML are two commonly used output formats. The function knitr::is_latex_output() tells you if the output format is LaTeX (including Pandoc output formats latex and bea...
Support Apache RocketMQ Version Support These Engines Key Features Description Sink Options partition.key.fields [array] Task Example Fake to Rocketmq Simple Rocketmq To Roc...
Using an R function to write raw HTML or LaTeX code Using a Pandoc Lua filter (*) The Markdown syntax has no built-in method for changing text colors. We can use HTML and LaTeX ...
Directory Structure Directory Descriptions Key Files Preparation Notes After installing Docusaurus , you now have a skeleton to work from for your specific website. The follow...
References To cite an R package, you can use the function citation() from base R. If you want to generate a citation entry for BibTeX, you can pass the returned object of citati...
Paimon Format Mixed Format Adding catalogs Creating a table Writing to the table Reading from the table The Iceberg Format can be accessed using the Connector provided by Ic...
Yihui Xie ( ) is a software engineer at RStudio ( ). He earned his PhD from the Department of Statistics, Iowa State University. He is inte...
We recommend that you back up database and configuration files before upgrading. Generally, we guarantee that the upgrade does not affect the existing data. To back up data mean...
Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Sink Options Tips Task Example Simple: For orc file format simple config For text file format with ...