Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.442 秒,为您找到 316 个相关结果.
  • FtpFile

    Support Those Engines Key features Description Options host [string] port [int] user [string] password [string] path [string] file_format_type [string] connection_mode [st...
  • Hive

    Description Key features Options table_name [string] metastore_uri [string] hdfs_site_path [string] read_partitions [list] krb5_path [string] kerberos_principal [string] ke...
  • Multi-Volume Installations

    1158 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    This is an advanced configuration setting for very large clusters under a lot of write pressure. The HDFS NameNode holds all of the metadata about the files in HDFS. For fast per...
  • 1. Auxiliary SQL extension for Spark SQL

    Auxiliary SQL extension for Spark SQL What feature does Kyuubi SQL extension provide How to use Kyuubi SQL extension Auxiliary SQL extension for Spark SQL Kyuubi provid...
  • Glossary

    1151 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    JDO utilizes some terminology used elsewhere (e.g. Java EE) but also introduces some terminology that may be new to people. Below is a glossary of some common terms that may be en...
  • Deploy Kyuubi engines on Kubernetes

    1141 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Requirements Configurations Master Deploy Mode Docker Image Test Cluster ServiceAccount Volumes PodTemplateFile Other Requirements When you want to run Kyuubi’s Spark S...
  • quick-start-flink

    Step 1: Deployment SeaTunnel And Connectors Step 2: Deployment And Config Flink Step 3: Add Job Config File to define a job Step 4: Run SeaTunnel Application What’s More Ste...
  • Redis

    Description Key features Options host [string] port [int] key [string] data_type [string] user [string] auth [string] db_num [int] mode [string] nodes [list] format [str...
  • Downloading your Software

    This section describes how to download Ambari software artifacts through the Cloudera Downloads portal. To download Ambari software artifacts, both trial and regular versions, aut...
  • Docker

    1116 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    Run the local web server in docker Use docker-compose Docker is a tool that enables you to create, deploy, and manage lightweight, stand-alone packages that contain everything ...