Christophe Dervieux is an active member of the R community, currently living in France. With a master’s degree in energy and economics, he started working with R as an analyst doing economic studies about market designs, before becoming a developer advocate and R admin, promoting R and supporting R users where he works.

    He is interested in helping others get the most from R, and you can find him wandering in the RStudio Community as a sustainer, or on several GitHub issue boards for various R packages. In both places, you may better recognize him by his shorter handle “cderv.”

    As an R developer, he is a contributor to several R packages, such as bookdown, rmarkdown, and knitr. He has also co-authored the crrri package. His own projects can be found on GitHub (, and sometimes he shares his ideas on Twitter (

    He does not like spicy food, but he enjoys playing badminton every week.