StreamPark supports a variety of alerts, mainly as follows:

  • E-mail: Mail notification
  • DingTalk: DingTalk Custom Group Robot
  • WeChat: Enterprise WeChat Custom Group Robot
  • Lark: Feishu Custom Group Robot

StreamPark support any combination of alerts

Future plan

  1. SMS notification and webhook callback notification will be supported in the future 1Test exception will be fed back to the front-end page

Added alert configuration

Click StreamPark -> Setting on the left, then click Alert Setting to enter the alert configuration. alert_add_setting.png

Click Add New to add alert configuration:

1.Name alert will be added 2.Choose AlertType, then configure the corresponding configuration item.


The configuration content of different alert types is as follows:


Firstly, choose E-mail as the alert type. Then, enter Alert Email and click Submit. alert_add_dingtalk.png

Configuration instructions:

  1. Alert EmailRequired, The email address of the email notification. Multiple email addresses need to separate by commas ’ ,’.

To use the email alarm notification method,please configure system mail sending information: Setting -> System Setting -> Sender Email Setting alert_conf_mail_sender.png Above is configured using 163 mailboxes.Please fill in the specific email address according to your actual situation.


Firstly, choose DingTalk as the alert type.

Then, Enter robot DingTalk Tokens and other configurations, click Submit. alert_add_ding_talk.png

Configuration description:

  1. DingTalk Urloptional .It is used to expose to a unified forwarding address within the company. By default, is used, and then the Token and the corresponding Secret are assembled for verification and sent.
  2. DingTalk TokenRequired.It is the default address of the group robot, and intercepts the content after access_token=.
  3. DingTalk Useroptional .Use the mobile phone number to remind the corresponding users in the group. Multiple mobile phone numbers should be separated by commas ’ ,’ .
  4. At All Useroptional .After it is turned on, the alarm message will be @ everyone in the group.
  5. Secret Enableoptional .If encryption signature verification is enabled, the Secret Token signature verification key information needs to be configured.

Please refer to DingTalk official documentation for robot application and configuration


Firstly, choose Wechat as the alert type.

Then, Enter robot WeChat token, click Submit. alert_add_wecom.png Configuration description:

  1. WeChat tokenrequired.It is the default address of the group robot, and intercepts the content after key=

Please refer to the [WeChat official] ( for robot application and configuration


Firstly, choose Lark as the alert type.

Then, Enter robot Lark Tokens and other configurations, click Submit. alert_add_lark.png

Configuration description:

  1. streampark.proxy.lark-url:We need to add the streampark.proxy.lark-url property to the configuration file. Example: yaml file adds streampark.proxy.lark-url: .
  2. Lark TokenRequired.1. It is the default address of the group robot, intercept the content behind /hook/.
  3. At All Useroptional .2.After it is turned on, the alarm message will be @ everyone in the group.
  4. Secret Enableoptional .3.If encryption signature verification is enabled, the Secret Token signature verification key information needs to be configured.

Please refer to the official Lark official for robot application and configuration

Alert Test

To ensure that the alert configuration information takes effect, we encourage to perform a message notification test——click the Lightning button below the corresponding configuration information alert_send_test.png

If the test is sent successfully, the return is as follows: alert_send_test_success.png



Ding Talk






Modify alert configuration:

Click the edit button below the corresponding alarm configuration information to modify the corresponding configuration information. click Submit to save. alert_edit.png

Use alert configuration

When the application task is created and modified, configured alert could be selected in the Fault Alert Template.


Delete alert configuration:

Click the trash can button below the corresponding alarm configuration information to delete the corresponding configuration information。 alert_conf_delete.png

This information will be shown after the deletion is successful: alert_delete_success.png

The alert configuration plans to delete should be ensured that not used in any application configuration