Running Kyuubi with Helm

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes, it can be used to find, share, and use software built for Kubernetes.

Install Helm

Please go to Installing Helm page to get and install an appropriate release version for yourself.

Get Kyuubi Started

Install the chart

  1. helm install kyuubi ${KYUUBI_HOME}/charts/kyuubi -n kyuubi --create-namespace

It will print release info with notes, including the ways to get Kyuubi accessed within Kubernetes cluster and exposed externally depending on the configuration provided.

  1. NAME: kyuubi
  2. LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Feb 23 13:15:10 UTC 2024
  3. NAMESPACE: kyuubi
  4. STATUS: deployed
  5. REVISION: 1
  6. TEST SUITE: None
  7. NOTES:
  8. The chart has been installed!
  9. In order to check the release status, use:
  10. helm status kyuubi -n kyuubi
  11. or for more detailed info
  12. helm get all kyuubi -n kyuubi
  13. ************************
  14. ******* Services *******
  15. ************************
  16. REST:
  17. - To access kyuubi-rest service within the cluster, use the following URL:
  18. kyuubi-rest.kyuubi.svc.cluster.local
  20. - To access kyuubi-thrift-binary service within the cluster, use the following URL:
  21. kyuubi-thrift-binary.kyuubi.svc.cluster.local

Uninstall the chart

  1. helm uninstall kyuubi -n kyuubi

Configure chart release

Specify configuration properties using --set flag. For example, to install the chart with replicaCount set to 1, use the following command:

  1. helm install kyuubi ${KYUUBI_HOME}/charts/kyuubi -n kyuubi --create-namespace --set replicaCount=1

Also, custom values file can be used to override default property values. For example, create myvalues.yaml to specify replicaCount and resources:

  1. replicaCount: 1
  2. resources:
  3. requests:
  4. cpu: 2
  5. memory: 4Gi
  6. limits:
  7. cpu: 4
  8. memory: 10Gi

and use it to override default chart values with -f flag:

  1. helm install kyuubi ${KYUUBI_HOME}/charts/kyuubi -n kyuubi --create-namespace -f myvalues.yaml

Access logs

List all pods in the release namespace:

  1. kubectl get pod -n kyuubi

Find Kyuubi pods:

  2. kyuubi-0 1/1 Running 0 38m
  3. kyuubi-1 1/1 Running 0 38m

Then, use pod name to retrieve logs:

  1. kubectl logs kyuubi-0 -n kyuubi