4. Running Tests - 图1

Running Tests

Kyuubi can be tested based on Apache Maven and the ScalaTest Maven Plugin, please refer to the ScalaTest documentation,

Running Tests Fully

The following is an example of a command to run all the tests:

  1. ./build/mvn clean test

Running Tests for a Module

  1. ./build/mvn clean test -pl :kyuubi-common

Running Tests for a Single Test

When developing locally, it’s convenient to run one single test, or a couple of tests, rather than all.

With Maven, you can use the -DwildcardSuites flag to run individual Scala tests:

  1. ./build/mvn test -Dtest=none -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.kyuubi.service.FrontendServiceSuite

If you want to make a single test that need integrate with kyuubi-spark-sql-engine module, please build the package for kyuubi-spark-sql-engine module at first.

You can leverage the ready-made tool for creating a binary distribution.

  1. ./build/dist