1. Kubernetes Tools Spark Block Cleaner - 图1

Kubernetes Tools Spark Block Cleaner


You’d better have cognition upon the following things when you want to use spark-block-cleaner.


When you’re using Spark On Kubernetes with Client mode and don’t use emptyDir for Spark local-dir type, you may face the same scenario that executor pods deleted without clean all the Block files. It may cause disk overflow.

Therefore, we chose to use Spark Block Cleaner to clear the block files accumulated by Spark.


When deploying Spark Block Cleaner, we will configure volumes for the destination folder. Spark Block Cleaner will perceive the folder by the parameter CACHE_DIRS.

Spark Block Cleaner will clear the perceived folder in a fixed loop(which can be configured by SCHEDULE_INTERVAL). And Spark Block Cleaner will select folder start with blockmgr and spark for deletion using the logic Spark uses to create those folders.

Before deleting those files, Spark Block Cleaner will determine whether it is a recently modified file(depending on whether the file has not been acted on within the specified time which configured by FILE_EXPIRED_TIME). Only delete files those beyond that time interval.

And Spark Block Cleaner will check the disk utilization after clean, if the remaining space is less than the specified value(control by FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD), will trigger deep clean(which file expired time control by DEEP_CLEAN_FILE_EXPIRED_TIME).


Before you start using Spark Block Cleaner, you should build its docker images.

Build Block Cleaner Docker Image

In the KYUUBI_HOME directory, you can use the following cmd to build docker image.

  1. docker build ./tools/spark-block-cleaner/kubernetes/docker

Modify spark-block-cleaner.yml

You need to modify the ${KYUUBI_HOME}/tools/spark-block-cleaner/kubernetes/spark-block-cleaner.yml to fit your current environment.

In Kyuubi tools, we recommend using DaemonSet to start , and we offer default yaml file in daemonSet way.

Base file structure :

  1. apiVersion
  2. kind
  3. metadata
  4. name
  5. namespace
  6. spec
  7. select
  8. template
  9. metadata
  10. spce
  11. containers
  12. - image
  13. - volumeMounts
  14. - env
  15. volumes

You can use affect the performance of Spark Block Cleaner through configure parameters in containers env part of spark-block-cleaner.yml.

  1. env:
  2. - name: CACHE_DIRS
  3. value: /data/data1,/data/data2
  4. - name: FILE_EXPIRED_TIME
  5. value: 604800
  7. value: 432000
  9. value: 60
  11. value: 3600

The most important thing, configure volumeMounts and volumes corresponding to Spark local-dirs.

For example, Spark use /spark/shuffle1 as local-dir, you can configure like:

  1. volumes:
  2. - name: block-files-dir-1
  3. hostPath:
  4. path: /spark/shuffle1
  1. volumeMounts:
  2. - name: block-files-dir-1
  3. mountPath: /data/data1
  1. env:
  2. - name: CACHE_DIRS
  3. value: /data/data1

Start daemonSet

After you finishing modifying the above, you can use the following command kubectl apply -f ${KYUUBI_HOME}/tools/spark-block-cleaner/kubernetes/spark-block-cleaner.yml to start daemonSet.

Name Default unit Meaning
CACHE_DIRS /data/data1,/data/data2 The target dirs in container path which will clean block files.
FILE_EXPIRED_TIME 604800 seconds Cleaner will clean the block files which current time - last modified time more than the fileExpiredTime.
DEEP_CLEAN_FILE_EXPIRED_TIME 432000 seconds Deep clean will clean the block files which current time - last modified time more than the deepCleanFileExpiredTime.
FREE_SPACE_THRESHOLD 60 % After first clean, if free Space low than threshold trigger deep clean.
SCHEDULE_INTERVAL 3600 seconds Cleaner sleep between cleaning.