
qianmoQ (@qianmoQ)

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  • Ramda 0.1.0

    A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.
  • Docusaurus 1.14.7

    Docusaurus makes it easy to maintain Open Source documentation websites.
  • Apache Kyuubi 1.3.0-incubating

    Apache Kyuubi, a distributed and multi-tenant gateway to provide serverless SQL on lakehouses.
  • Lodash 2.4.2

    A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • Lodash 1.3.1

    A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • Markdown 中文版

    Markdown 是一种轻量级标记语言,它以纯文本形式(易读、易写、易更改)编写文档,并最终以 HTML 格式发布。 Markdown 也可以理解为将以 Markdown 语法编写的语言转换成 HTML 内容的工具。
  • Apache JDO 3.2.1

    Java Data Objects (JDO) is a standard way to access persistent data in databases, using plain old Java objects (POJO) to represent persistent data. The approach separates data manipulation (done by accessing Java data members in the Java domain objects) from database manipulation (done by calling the JDO interface methods). This separation of concerns leads to a high degree of independence of the Java view of data from the database view of the data.
  • Apache Kyuubi 1.3.1-incubating

    Apache Kyuubi, a distributed and multi-tenant gateway to provide serverless SQL on lakehouses.
  • Apache Answe 中文版 1.3.0

    用 Apache Answer 打造 问答平台 一款适合任何团队的问答平台软件。 无论是社区论坛、帮助中心还是知识管理平台,你可以永远信赖 Answer。
  • Apache Answer 1.3.0

    Apache Answer helps you to build a community between your users and your team. It's a place where you can share your knowledge and help your users to solve their problems.