Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.713 秒,为您找到 70 个相关结果.
  • Connecting to Databases

    Connecting to Databases Installing Database Drivers Supported Databases and Dependencies Installing Drivers in Docker Images 1. Determine the driver you need 2. Install the drive...
  • 二进制方式

    组件安装 安装夜莺 部署集群 MySQL Redis 时序库 n9e-webapi n9e-server 首先我们来看下面的架构图,夜莺的服务端有两个模块:n9e-webapi 和 n9e-server,n9e-webapi 用于提供 API 给前端 JavaScript 使用,n9e-server 的职责是告警引擎和数据转发器。依赖的组件...
  • Setting up a Development Environment

    Setting up a Development Environment Fork and Clone docker-compose (recommended!) Installing Development Tools Python environment Git Hooks Alternatives to docker-compose Flas...
  • Development How-tos

    Contributing to Documentation Local Development Build Deployment Creating Visualization Plugins Prerequisites Creating a simple Hello World viz plugin Testing Python Testing...
  • JDBC Connector

    JDBC Configuration Semantic EXACTLY_ONCE AT_LEAST_ONCE && NONE Others JDBC read queryFunc to get sql resultFunc process the query data JDBC Read Write Generate target SQL b...
  • Apache Kafka Connector

    Dependencies Kafka Source (Consumer) example Advanced configuration parameters Consume multiple Kafka instances Consume multiple topics Topic dynamic discovery Consume from t...
  • FAQ

    How big of a dataset can Superset handle? What are the computing specifications required to run Superset? Can I join / query multiple tables at one time? How do I create my own ...
  • Programming Paradigm

    Architecture Programming paradigm DataStream Flink Sql TableEnvironment StreamTableEnvironment RunTime Context StreamingContext TableContext StreamTableContext Life Cycle...
  • Project Configuration

    Why do I need to configure Terms Configuration file Deployment option property Basic parameters Memory parameters Configure Total Memory Checkpoint Watermark State backen...
  • Introduction

    Why Superset? ​ Screenshots & Gifs ​ Supported Databases ​ Installation and Configuration ​ Get Involved ​ Contributor Guide ​ Resources ​ Repo Activity ​ ...