Create a Graph create_graph() Delete a Graph drop_graph() How Graphs Are Stored In Postgres A graph consists of a set of vertices and edges, where each individual node and ed...
Data Setup keys range labels nodes relationships toBooleanList Data Setup SELECT * from cypher ( 'graph_name' , $$ CREATE ( A : Person { name : 'Alice' , age ...
Hive Connector Integration Dependencies Configurations Hive Connector Operations The Kyuubi Hive Connector is a datasource for both reading and writing Hive table, It is imple...
Using Cypher with ‘=’ Working with Postgres’s IN Clause Working with the Postgres EXISTS Clause Querying Multiple Graphs Cypher cannot be used in an expression— the query must...
Usage Manage kyuubi servers List server Create server Get server Delete server Manage kyuubi engines List engine Get engine Delete engine Usage bin / kyuubi - ctl -- h...
Build A Custom EventHandler Enable Custom EventHandler Kyuubi provide event processing mechanism, it can help us to record some events. Beside the builtin JsonLoggingEventHandle...