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    KYUUBI数据源 使用HiveServer2 是否原生支持 KYUUBI数据源 使用HiveServer2 数据源:选择 KYUUBI 数据源名称:输入数据源的名称 描述:输入数据源的描述 IP 主机名:输入连接 KYUUBI 的 IP 端口:输入连接 KYUUBI 的端口 用户名:设置连接 KYUUBI 的用户名 密码:设置连接 KYU...
  • 9.3 Embed a web page

    863 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References If you have the webshot package (Chang 2023 ) and PhantomJS installed (see Section 9.2 ), you can embed any web page in the output document through knitr::include_url...
  • External Link Management

    Background How to create the external link Where can see the external link Background In production practice, in order to manage the Flink job properly, there is always a need...
  • Kudu

    Support Kudu Version Support Those Engines Key Features Data Type Mapping Sink Options Task Example Simple: Multiple Table Changelog 2.2.0-beta 2022-09-26 2.3.0-beta 2022-...
  • Iceberg

    861 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Iceberg Integration Dependencies Configurations Iceberg Operations Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets. Iceberg adds tables to compute engines in...
  • Event Logging

    Event Logging StatsD Logging Event Logging Superset by default logs special action events in its internal database (DBEventLogger). These logs can be accessed on the UI by navi...
  • Relation

    859 2024-06-05 《Ramda 0.10.0》
    countBy difference differenceWith unionWith union gt gte intersection lt lte max min propEq sortBy pathEq maxBy minBy countBy (a → String) → [a] → {*} Paramet...
  • 在 Postgres 中配置 SAM 和 Schema Registry 元数据存储

    关于此任务 步骤 关于此任务 如果您已经安装了 MySQL 并使用 MySQL 配置了 SAM 和架构注册表元数据存储,则无需在 Postgres 中配置其他元数据存储。 步骤 登录Postgres: sudo su postgres psql 创建一个名为 registry 的数据库,密码为 registry : ...
  • Socket

    Support Those Engines Key features Description Data Type Mapping Options How to Create a Socket Data Synchronization Jobs Socket source connector Support Those Engines ...
  • Hudi

    856 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Hudi Integration Configurations Hudi Operations Apache Hudi (pronounced “hoodie”) is the next generation streaming data lake platform. Apache Hudi brings core warehouse and dat...