Mixed-Hive format is a format that has better compatibility with Hive than Mixed-Iceberg format. Mixed-Hive format uses a Hive table as the BaseStore and an Iceberg table as the C...
Based on your Internet access, choose one of the following options: No Internet Access This option involves downloading the repository tarball, moving the tarball to the sele...
Catalogs configuration Using Mixed-Format in a standalone catalog Using Mixed-Format in session catalog The high availability configuration Catalogs configuration Using Mixe...
Rewrite files action. Rewrite files action. Iceberg provides API to rewrite small files into large files by submitting Flink batch jobs. The behavior of this Flink action is the...
JDO provides a means of transparent persistence of objects of user defined classes. With JDO there are actually 3 types of classes. Persistence Capable classes are classes whose...
Steps Next Step Steps In Name your cluster , type a name for the cluster you want to create. Use no white spaces or special characters in the name. If you plan to Kerberiz...
Writing with SQL INSERT OVERWRITE INSERT INTO Upsert to table with primary keys. DELETE FROM UPDATE MERGE INTO Writing with DataFrames Appending data Overwriting data Crea...