Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.619 秒,为您找到 133 个相关结果.
  • 1. Authentication

    Kyuubi Authentication Mechanism Using KERBEROS Kyuubi Authentication Mechanism In a secure cluster, services should be able to identify and authenticate callers. As the ...
  • Contribute Transform Guide

    Concepts DataType transform Data transform Translation Core APIs SeaTunnelTransform SingleFieldOutputTransform MultipleFieldOutputTransform AbstractSeaTunnelTransform Deve...
  • 12. Standalone node

    1159 2024-06-19 《Redisson》
    12.1. Overview 12.2. Configuration 12.2.1. Configuration. Settings mapReduceWorkers executorServiceWorkers redissonNodeInitializer beanFactory 12.2.2. Configuration. YAML con...
  • 环境准备

    要使用 Ambari 部署 Hortonworks stack,您需要准备部署环境: 设置无密码 SSH 设置服务用户帐户 在集群和浏览器主机上启用 NTP 检查 DNS 和 NSCD 配置 iptables 禁用 SELinux 和 PackageKit 并检查 umask 值 下载并设置数据库连接器 为 Ranger 配置数据库实例 ...
  • Post-commit Callback

    1132 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    HTTP Endpoints Kafka Endpoints Pulsar Endpoints Bring your own implementation Apache Hudi provides the ability to post a callback notification about a write commit. This may b...
  • 2. Kinit Auxiliary Service

    Kinit Auxiliary Service Installing and Configuring the Kerberos Clients Kerberos Ticket Configurations Further Readings Kinit Auxiliary Service In order to work with ...
  • Docker

    1079 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    Run the local web server in docker Use docker-compose Docker is a tool that enables you to create, deploy, and manage lightweight, stand-alone packages that contain everything ...
  • 确认主机

    下一步 Confirm Hosts 提示您确认 Ambari 已为您的集群找到正确的主机,并检查这些主机以确保它们具有继续安装所需的正确目录、软件包和进程。 如果错误选择了任何主机,您可以通过选择适当的复选框并单击灰色的 Remove Selected 按钮来删除它们。要删除单个主机,请单击“操作”列中白色的 Remove 小按钮。 在屏幕底部...
  • Install Databases for HDF services

    Installing and Configuring MySQL Installing and Configuring Postgres Using an Oracle Database When installing Schema Registry, SAM, Druid, and Superset, you require a relationa...
  • The TTL Of Kyuubi Engines

    1035 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    The Big Contributors Of Resource Waste TTL Types In Kyuubi Engines Configurations Engine TTL Executor TTL For a multi-tenant cluster, its overall resource utilization is a KP...