Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.450 秒,为您找到 415 个相关结果.
  • Replication

    2810 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Overview Configuration Site Configuration Instance Configuration Table Configuration Monitoring Work Assignment ReplicaSystems AccumuloReplicaSystem Other Configuration E...
  • Concurrency Control

    2805 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Deployment models with supported concurrency controls Model A: Single writer with inline table services Single Writer Guarantees Model B: Single writer with async table services ...
  • Markdown Features

    2793 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    Markdown Headers Documents Blog Posts Extra Features Linking other Documents Linking to Images and Other Assets Generating Table of Contents Language-specific Code Tabs Syn...
  • Query API

    2777 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Creating a query Closing a query Named Query Saving a Query as a Named Query Query Extensions Setting query parameters Compiling a query Executing a query Result Class Con...
  • Kyuubi Hive JDBC Driver

    2769 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Referencing the JDBC Driver Libraries Using the Driver in Java Code Maven sbt Gradle Using the Driver in a JDBC Application Registering the Driver Class Building the Connect...
  • S3File

    Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Database Dependency Data Type Mapping Orc File Type Parquet File Type Sink Options path [string] h...
  • 6. Distributed objects

    2753 2024-06-19 《Redisson》
    6.1. Object holder 6.1.1. Object holder listeners 6.2. Binary stream holder 6.2.1. Binary stream holder listeners 6.3. Geospatial holder 6.4. BitSet 6.4.1. BitSet data partiti...
  • 7.13 Sharing HTML output on the web

    2738 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    R-specific services Static website services One appealing aspect of rendering R Markdown to HTML files is that it is very easy to host these files on the Internet and share them...
  • 告警自愈模块

    概述 架构 项目地址 安装启动 初始化 sql 启动 server 启动agentd Ibex 是告警自愈功能依赖的模块,提供一个批量执行命令的通道,可以做到在告警的时候自动去目标机器执行脚本,如果大家没有此需求,无需阅读本节内容。 概述 所谓的告警自愈,典型手段是在告警触发时自动回调某个 webhook 地址,在这个 webhook 里...
  • 10. Additional features

    2726 2024-06-19 《Redisson》
    10.1. Operations with Redis nodes 10.2. References to Redisson objects 10.3. Execution batches of commands 10.4. Transactions 10.5. XA Transactions 10.6. Scripting 10.7. Func...