Introduction Supported table format Supported column data type How to use Optimize history data Syntax Examples Optimize incremental data To improve query speed, Kyuubi su...
Build with Apache Maven Build shaded jar with Apache Maven Build against Different Apache Spark Versions Build against Different Apache Ranger Versions Test with ScalaTest Mave...
References We can use bookdown (Xie 2023a ) output formats to add figure numbers to their captions. Below is an example: --- output : bookdown :: html_document2 --- ``...
Spark DataSource API Daft Spark DataSource API The hudi-spark module offers the DataSource API to read a Hudi table into a Spark DataFrame. A time-travel query example: val ...
Sometimes the text output printed from R code may be too wide. If the output document has a fixed page width (e.g., PDF documents), the text output may exceed the page margins. Se...