Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.109 秒,为您找到 1442 个相关结果.
  • 4.6 Generate R package citations

    1063 2024-05-23 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References To cite an R package, you can use the function citation() from base R. If you want to generate a citation entry for BibTeX, you can pass the returned object of citati...
  • Evolution

    1062 2024-06-29 《Apache Iceberg 1.5.2》
    Schema evolution Correctness Partition evolution Sort order evolution Iceberg supports in-place table evolution . You can evolve a table schema just like SQL — even in nested...
  • Object

    1062 2024-06-05 《Ramda 0.25.0》
    clone values eqProps keys omit pick pickAll project prop props keysIn path valuesIn toPairs toPairsIn propOr has hasIn assoc assocPath lens pickBy evolve inv...
  • Rollback Mechanism

    1060 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Handling partially failed commits Rolling back partially failed commits for a single writer Rolling back of partially failed commits w/ multi-writers Heartbeats Related Resourc...
  • 确认主机

    下一步 Confirm Hosts 提示您确认 Ambari 已为您的集群找到正确的主机,并检查这些主机以确保它们具有继续安装所需的正确目录、软件包和进程。 如果错误选择了任何主机,您可以通过选择适当的复选框并单击灰色的 Remove Selected 按钮来删除它们。要删除单个主机,请单击“操作”列中白色的 Remove 小按钮。 在屏幕底部...
  • 7.1 Apply custom CSS

    1058 2024-05-10 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References We strongly recommend that you learn some CSS and JavaScript if you wish to customize the appearance of HTML documents. Appendix B of the blogdown book (Xie, Hill, a...
  • Site Preparation

    1057 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    Directory Structure Directory Descriptions Key Files Preparation Notes After installing Docusaurus , you now have a skeleton to work from for your specific website. The follow...
  • Lang

    1057 2024-06-14 《Lodash 3.10.1》
    _.clone(value, [isDeep], [customizer], [thisArg]) Arguments Returns Example _.cloneDeep(value, [customizer], [thisArg]) Arguments Returns Example, other) Argumen...
  • Relation

    1057 2024-06-05 《Ramda 0.9.0》
    countBy difference differenceWith unionWith union gt gte intersection lt lte max min propEq sortBy pathEq maxBy minBy countBy (a → String) → [a] → {*} Paramet...
  • Start the Ambari Server

    Next Steps More Information Run the following command on the Ambari Server host: ambari - server start To check the Ambari Server processes: ambari - server status ...