Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.034 秒,为您找到 1676 个相关结果.
  • Disable SELinux and PackageKit and check the umask

    You must disable SELinux for the Ambari setup to function. On each host in your cluster, enter: setenforce 0 To permanently disable SELinux set SELINUX=disabled in /etc/s...
  • Integrations

    1068 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Does AWS GLUE support Hudi ? How to override Hudi jars in EMR? Does AWS GLUE support Hudi ? AWS Glue jobs can write, read and update Glue Data Catalog for hudi tables. In order...
  • Reading Tables

    1068 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Does deleted records appear in Hudi’s incremental query results? How do I pass hudi configurations to my beeline Hive queries? Does Hudi guarantee consistent reads? How to think ...
  • 2. Building a Runnable Distribution

    Building a Runnable Distribution Building a Runnable Distribution To create a Kyuubi distribution like those distributed by Kyuubi Release Page , and that is laid out so ...
  • Oracle

    Oracle数据源 Oracle数据源 数据源:选择 ORACLE 数据源名称:输入数据源的名称 描述:输入数据源的描述 IP 主机名:输入连接 ORACLE 的 IP 端口:输入连接 ORACLE 的端口 用户名:设置连接 ORACLE 的用户名 密码:设置连接 ORACLE 的密码 数据库名:输入连接 ORACLE 的 ServiceName...
  • K8S PVC 资源使用

    K8s PVC 资源使用说明 K8s PVC 资源使用说明 当前版本 StreamPark Flink-K8s 任务对 PVC 资源(挂载 checkpoint/savepoint/logs 等文件资源)的支持基于 pod-template。 Native-Kubernetes Session 由创建 Session Cluster 时控制,这里不再...
  • Relation

    1062 2024-06-05 《Ramda 0.29.2》
    countBy difference differenceWith unionWith union gt gte intersection lt lte max min propEq sortBy pathEq maxBy minBy equals identical eqBy clamp sortWith inn...
  • 9.1 LaTeX or HTML output

    1061 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    LaTeX and HTML are two commonly used output formats. The function knitr::is_latex_output() tells you if the output format is LaTeX (including Pandoc output formats latex and bea...
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

    1061 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    OCI Configs Configuring the HDFS Connector Libraries Construct an OCI HDFS URI The Oracle Object Storage system provides strongly-consistent operations on all buckets in all ...
  • Configuring Oracle for Ranger

    If you are using Amazon RDS, see the Amazon RDS Requirements . On the Oracle host, install the appropriate JDBC .jar file. Download the Oracle JDBC (OJDBC) driver from http://...