Description Key Features Options url [string] region [string] accessKeyId [string] secretAccessKey [string] table [string] common options Example Changelog next version ...
A Cypher query can be part of a JOIN clause. Developers Note Cypher queries using the CREATE , SET , REMOVE clauses cannot be used in sql queries with JOINs , as...
Querying with SQL Querying Mixed-Format table by merge on read Query on change store Querying with DataFrames Querying with SQL Querying Mixed-Format table by merge on read ...
Users may add custom functions to AGE. When using Cypher functions, all function calls with a Cypher query use the default namespace of: ag_catalog . However if a user wants to us...
Introduction Skip first three rows Return middle two rows Using an expression with SKIP to return a subset of the rows SKIP defines from which record to start including the r...
Description Options include_kinds [array] exclude_kinds [array] common options [string] Examples FilterRowKind transform plugin Description Filter the data by RowKind ...
If you do not want certain section headings to be included in the table of contents, you can add two classes to the heading: unlisted and unnumbered . For example: # Section hea...
id start_id end_id type properties head last length size startNode endNode timestamp toBoolean toFloat toInteger coalesce id id() returns the id of a vertex or e...
Exists(Property) Exists(Path) Predicates are boolean functions that return true or false for a given set of input. They are most commonly used to filter out subgraphs in the WHE...