Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.312 秒,为您找到 778 个相关结果.
  • AmazonDynamoDB

    Description Key Features Options url [string] region [string] accessKeyId [string] secretAccessKey [string] table [string] common options Example Changelog next version ...
  • Using Cypher in a Join expression

    500 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    A Cypher query can be part of a JOIN clause. Developers Note Cypher queries using the CREATE , SET , REMOVE clauses cannot be used in sql queries with JOINs , as...
  • Spark Queries

    498 2024-06-26 《Apache Amoro 0.6.1》
    Querying with SQL Querying Mixed-Format table by merge on read Query on change store Querying with DataFrames Querying with SQL Querying Mixed-Format table by merge on read ...
  • User defined functions

    493 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Users may add custom functions to AGE. When using Cypher functions, all function calls with a Cypher query use the default namespace of: ag_catalog . However if a user wants to us...
  • SKIP

    481 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Introduction Skip first three rows Return middle two rows Using an expression with SKIP to return a subset of the rows SKIP defines from which record to start including the r...
  • FilterRowKind

    Description Options include_kinds [array] exclude_kinds [array] common options [string] Examples FilterRowKind transform plugin Description Filter the data by RowKind ...
  • 4.18 Omit a heading in the table of contents

    476 2024-05-23 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    If you do not want certain section headings to be included in the table of contents, you can add two classes to the heading: unlisted and unnumbered . For example: # Section hea...
  • Scalar Functions

    475 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    id start_id end_id type properties head last length size startNode endNode timestamp toBoolean toFloat toInteger coalesce id id() returns the id of a vertex or e...
  • Users

    用户状态 热门用户 注册 登录 使用电子邮件和密码登录 从第三方OAuth登录 Reset password Notification Inbox Achievement Profile Settings Unsubscribe email 用户状态 热门用户 显示平台中排名靠前的用户。 本周声誉得分最高的用户 本周...
  • Predicate Functions

    455 2024-06-24 《Apache AGE 0.6.0》
    Exists(Property) Exists(Path) Predicates are boolean functions that return true or false for a given set of input. They are most commonly used to filter out subgraphs in the WHE...