A MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or Amazon RDS database instance must be running and available to be used by Ranger. The Ranger installation will create two new users (default names: ...
The Ambari host should have at least 1 GB RAM, with 500 MB free. To check available memory on any host, run: free - m If you plan to install the Ambari Metrics Service (AMS...
Cypher() Cypher in an Expression SELECT Clause Cypher queries are constructed using a function called cypher in ag_catalog which returns a Postgres SETOF records . Cypher() c...
Apache Paimon (Incubating) Integration Dependencies Configurations Apache Paimon (Incubating) Operations Apache Paimon(incubating) is a streaming data lake platform that suppo...
Good First Issues Help Wanted Issues Code Contribution Programs Good First Issues Good First Issue is initiative to curate easy pickings for first-time contributors. It help...
The Ambari host should have at least 1 GB RAM, with 500 MB free. To check available memory on any host, run: free - m If you plan to install the Ambari Metrics Service (AMS...
Set Flink configuration information in the job How to set up a simple Flink job How to run a job in a project Flink is a powerful high-performance distributed stream processing...
Hudi Integration Dependencies Hudi Operations Apache Hudi (pronounced “hoodie”) is the next generation streaming data lake platform. Apache Hudi brings core warehouse and datab...
Installing and Configuring MySQL Installing and Configuring Postgres Using an Oracle Database When installing Schema Registry, SAM, Druid, and Superset, you require a relationa...