Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.459 秒,为您找到 437 个相关结果.
  • General

    2775 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    When is Hudi useful for me or my organization? What are some non-goals for Hudi? What is incremental processing? Why does Hudi docs/talks keep talking about it? How is Hudi opti...
  • 7.13 Sharing HTML output on the web

    2753 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    R-specific services Static website services One appealing aspect of rendering R Markdown to HTML files is that it is very easy to host these files on the Internet and share them...
  • 1. Terminologies

    2708 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Kyuubi JDBC Apache Hive Apache Thrift Server ServerSpace Engine EngineSpace Apache Spark Multi Tenancy High Availability / Load Balance Apache Zookeeper Apache Curator ...
  • Flink Quick Start

    2707 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Setup Flink Support Matrix Download Flink and Start Flink cluster Start Flink SQL client Create Table Insert Data Query Data Update Data Delete Data Row-level Delete Batch...
  • Clustering

    2686 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Background How is compaction different from clustering? Clustering Architecture Overall, there are 2 steps to clustering Schedule clustering Execute clustering Clustering Use...
  • Troubleshooting

    2680 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Writing Tables Parquet/Avro schema mismatch: Avro field ‘col1’ not found java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: org.apache.parquet....
  • Design & Concepts

    2668 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    How does Hudi ensure atomicity? Does Hudi extend the Hive table layout? What concurrency control approaches does Hudi adopt? Hudi’s commits are based on transaction start time i...
  • 本地参数

    本地参数 作用域 在任务定义页面配置的参数,默认作用域仅限该任务,如果配置了参数传递 则可将该参数作用到下游任务中。 使用方式 本地参数配置方式如下:在任务定义页面,点击“自定义参数”右边的加号,填写对应的变量名称和对应的值,保存即可。 如果要在单个任务中使用参数,请参阅通过自定义参数使用 如果要在任务中使用配置参数并在下游任务中使用它们: 如果...
  • AWS

    2615 2024-06-29 《Apache Iceberg 1.5.2》
    Enabling AWS Integration Spark Flink HTTP Client Configurations URL Connection HTTP Client Configurations Apache HTTP Client Configurations Run Iceberg on AWS Amazon Athena ...
  • 1. Monitoring Kyuubi - Logging System

    2610 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Logs of Kyuubi Server Configuring Server Logging Basic Configurations KYUUBI_LOG_DIR KYUUBI_MAX_LOG_FILES Custom Log4j2 Settings Logs of Spark SQL Engine Configuring Engine L...