Terminal SET clauses Set a property Return created vertex Remove a property Set multiple properties using one SET clause The SET clause is used to update labels and properti...
GCS Configs GCS Credentials GCS Libs For Hudi storage on GCS, regional buckets provide an DFS API with strong consistency. GCS Configs There are two configurations required ...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either propSatisfies and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1.0 Returns the first argument if it ...
match split trim replace toLower toUpper test toString match RegExp → String → [String | Undefined] Parameters rxA regular expression. strThe string to match against...
Aliyun OSS configs Aliyun OSS Credentials Aliyun OSS Libs In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into Aliyun OSS. Aliyun OSS configs There are two c...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1.0 Returns the first argument if it is falsy, other...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either propSatisfies unless when pathSatisfies until xor isNotEmpty and a → b → a | b...