id start_id end_id type properties head last length size startNode endNode timestamp toBoolean toFloat toInteger coalesce id id() returns the id of a vertex or e...
View behavior properties Iceberg views support properties to configure view behavior. Below is an overview of currently available view properties. Property Default Descript...
If you work primarily with pure LaTeX documents, you may still find R Markdown useful. Sometimes it may be more convenient to write in R Markdown and convert the document to a LaT...
By default, Pandoc will preserve raw LaTeX code in Markdown documents when converting the document to LaTeX, so you can use LaTeX commands or environments in Markdown. However, so...
Using Different Kyuubi Engines Sharing and Isolation for Kyuubi Engines Setting Time to Live for Kyuubi Engines Enabling Kyuubi Engine Pool Running Scala Snippets Plan Only Ex... Since Returns Example Gets the timestamp of the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Unix epoch (1 January 1970 00 :00:00 UTC). Since 2.4.0 ...