Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.424 秒,为您找到 924 个相关结果.
  • Amazon EMR

    Amazon EMR 综述 任务参数 任务样例 创建EMR集群并运行Steps 向运行中的EMR集群添加Step 注意事项: Amazon EMR 综述 Amazon EMR 任务类型,用于在AWS上操作EMR集群并执行计算任务。 后台使用 aws-java-sdk 将JSON参数转换为任务对象,提交到AWS,目前支持两种程序类型: ...
  • 项目列表

    项目首页 点击”项目管理”进入项目管理页面,点击“创建项目”按钮,输入项目名称,项目描述,点击“提交”,创建新的项目。 项目首页 在项目管理页面点击项目名称链接,进入项目首页,如下图所示,项目首页包含该项目的任务实例状态统计、工作流实例状态统计、工作流定义统计。这几个指标的说明如下 任务实例状态统计 :在指定时间范围内,统计任务实例中状态为提...
  • 项目级别参数

    项目级别参数 作用域 使用方式 定义项目级别参数 使用项目级别参数 项目级别参数 作用域 项目级别参数是针对整个项目下的所有任务节点都有效的参数。 使用方式 定义项目级别参数 在项目管理页面,点击项目级别参数,点击创建项目级别参数,填写参数名称和参数值。如下图所示: 使用项目级别参数 以shell任务为例,在脚本内容中输入ech...
  • Reading Tables

    626 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Does deleted records appear in Hudi’s incremental query results? How do I pass hudi configurations to my beeline Hive queries? Does Hudi guarantee consistent reads? How to think ...
  • Confirm Hosts

    Next Step Confirm Hosts prompts you to confirm that Ambari has located the correct hosts for your cluster and to check those hosts to make sure they have the correct directories...
  • Import the custom VDF into Ambari

    Next Step More Information To import the custom VDF into Ambari, follow these steps: In the cluster install wizard, Select Version step, click the drop down with the HDP vers...
  • JDBC

    JDBC Catalog Configurations Examples Spark Java API JDBC Catalog Iceberg supports using a table in a relational database to manage Iceberg tables through JDBC. The database ...
  • Prepare the Environment

    To deploy your Hortonworks stack using Ambari, you need to prepare your deployment environment: Set Up Password-less SSH Set Up Service User Accounts Enable NTP on the Cluster...
  • Confirm Hosts

    Next Step Confirm Hosts prompts you to confirm that Ambari has located the correct hosts for your cluster and to check those hosts to make sure they have the correct directories...
  • Queries

    Querying with SQL Querying with DataFrames Catalogs with DataFrameReader Time travel SQL DataFrame Incremental read Inspecting tables History Metadata Log Entries Snapshot...