Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.487 秒,为您找到 182 个相关结果.
  • OneSignal

    Description Key features Options url [String] password [String] method [String] params [Map] body [String] poll_interval_millis [int] retry [int] retry_backoff_multiplier_...
  • Objects

    1390 2024-06-07 《Underscore.js 1.13.6》
    keys allKeys values mapObject pairs invert create functions findKey extend extendOwn pick omit defaults clone tap toPath get has property propertyOf matcher i...
  • 负载均衡

    负载均衡 DolphinScheduler-Worker 负载均衡算法 Worker 负载均衡配置 权重 预热 负载均衡算法细述 随机(加权) 平滑轮询(加权) 线性加权(默认算法) 负载均衡 负载均衡即通过路由算法(通常是集群环境),合理的分摊服务器压力,达到服务器性能的最大优化。 DolphinScheduler-Worker ...
  • Demo

    DolphinScheduler 初始化工作流 demo 准备工作 备份上一版本文件和数据库 下载新版本的安装包 服务启动步骤 开启 dolphinscheduler 服务 数据库配置 租户配置 修改 dolphinscheduler-tools/resources/application.yaml 配置内容 DolphinSched...
  • Architecture

    1347 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Introduction Architecture Overview Unified Interface Runtime Resource Resiliency High Availability & Load Balance Authentication & Authorization Conclusions Introduction K...
  • On Disk Encryption

    1347 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Configuration Encrypting All Tables Per Table Encryption Disabling Crypto Custom Crypto Things to keep in mind Utilities need access to encryption properties Some data will b...
  • OssFile

    Support Those Engines Usage Dependency For Spark/Flink Engine For SeaTunnel Zeta Engine Key features Data Type Mapping Orc File Type Parquet File Type Options path [string]...
  • JDO 3.0 Overview

    1333 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Background Metadata API Enhancer API Query Cancel/Timeout API Control of read objects locking Background Java Data Objects (JDO) is a specification begun in 2000, with 2 maj...
  • PersistenceManagerFactory

    1329 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    Standard JDO Properties Any JDO-enabled application will require (at least) one PersistenceManagerFactory. Typically applications create one per datastore being utilised. A Persi...
  • JDOQL Typed API

    1324 2024-05-25 《Apache JDO 3.2.1》
    JDOQL Typed API Preparation Using Maven Using Eclipse Query Classes Limitations Filtering Ordering Methods Results Parameters Variables If-Then-Else Subqueries Candida...