Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.499 秒,为您找到 65 个相关结果.
  • 所依赖的开源项目

    Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 该项目建立在以下开源项目的基础上并得到其帮助。我们向这些项目致以敬意。 Apache-2.0 https://g...
  • SQL Procedures

    1121 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Usage Named arguments Positional arguments help Commit management show_commits show_commits_metadata show_commit_extra_metadata show_archived_commits show_archived_commits_...
  • Notice

    1106 2024-05-20 《Apache Answer 1.3.0》
    Open-Source Software Notice Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 Open-Source Software Notice The project is built on and with the aid of the...
  • Flink Tuning Guide

    1073 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Global Configurations Parallelism Memory Checkpoint Table Options Memory Parallelism Compaction Memory Optimization MOR COW Write Rate Limit Options Global Configura...
  • Configurations

    1038 2024-06-26 《Apache Amoro 0.6.1》
    Multi-level configuration management Self-optimizing configurations Data-cleaning configurations Mixed Format configurations Reading configurations Writing configurations LogS...
  • 7.3 Style code blocks and text output

    1037 2024-05-10 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References We can customize the style of code chunks and their text output using the chunk options class.source and class.output , respectively. These options take character vec...
  • Post-commit Callback

    1011 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    HTTP Endpoints Kafka Endpoints Pulsar Endpoints Bring your own implementation Apache Hudi provides the ability to post a callback notification about a write commit. This may b...
  • Integrations

    967 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Does AWS GLUE support Hudi ? How to override Hudi jars in EMR? Does AWS GLUE support Hudi ? AWS Glue jobs can write, read and update Glue Data Catalog for hudi tables. In order...
  • CDC Compatible Debezium-json

    How To Use MySQL-CDC Sink Kafka SeaTunnel supports to interpret cdc record as Debezium-JSON messages publish to mq(kafka) system. This is useful in many cases to leverage this ...
  • 安装后切换到 Oracle 数据库

    关于此任务 条件 步骤 关于此任务 如果在执行初始 HDF 安装或升级后想要将 Oracle 数据库与 SAM 或架构注册表一起使用,则可以切换到 Oracle 数据库。支持 Oracle 数据库 12c 和 11g 第 2 版 条件 您已安装并配置了 Oracle 数据库。 步骤 登录 Ambari Server 并关闭 SAM ...