Build A Custom EventHandler Enable Custom EventHandler Kyuubi provide event processing mechanism, it can help us to record some events. Beside the builtin JsonLoggingEventHandle...
match split trim replace toLower toUpper test toString match RegExp → String → [String | Undefined] Parameters rxA regular expression. strThe string to match against...
Kyuubi provides several auxiliary SQL functions as supplement to Flink’s Built-in Functions Name Description Return Type Since kyuubi_version Return the version of K...
match split trim replace toLower toUpper test toString match RegExp → String → [String | Undefined] Parameters rxA regular expression. strThe string to match against...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1.0 Returns the first argument if it is falsy, other...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either propSatisfies unless when and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1.0 Returns the first a...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either propSatisfies unless when pathSatisfies until and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1....
Kyuubi provides several auxiliary SQL functions as supplement to Hive’s Built-in Functions Name Description Return Type Since kyuubi_version Return the version of Ky...
and isEmpty not or cond ifElse allPass anyPass defaultTo both complement either and a → b → a | b Added in v0.1.0 Returns the first argument if it is falsy, other...