Iceberg format refers to Apache Iceberg table, which is an open table format for large analytical datasets designed to provide scalable, efficient, and secure data storage and qu...
Support Those Engines Description Using Dependency Key features Data Type Mapping hosts [array] username [string] password [string] index [string] source [array] query [js...
AWS configs AWS Credentials AWS Libs AWS S3 Versioned Bucket In this page, we explain how to get your Hudi spark job to store into AWS S3. AWS configs There are two configur...
Overview Use Cases Historical Tags Audit Branch Usage Overview Iceberg table metadata maintains a snapshot log, which represents the changes applied to a table. Snapshots ar...
Requirements Preparation Prepare JDBC driver Prepare JDBC Hive Dialect extension Including jars of JDBC driver and Hive Dialect extension Usage Using as JDBC Datasource progra...
Steps Next Step More Information On a server host that has Internet access, use a command line editor to perform the following: Steps Log in to your host as root . Download...
What is JDO? I’d like to find out more about the project and possibly contribute. What do I do next? Where is the mailing list, and how can I subscribe? Does this project use a ...