Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.416 秒,为您找到 343 个相关结果.
  • 二进制方式

    组件安装 安装夜莺 部署集群 MySQL Redis 时序库 n9e-webapi n9e-server 首先我们来看下面的架构图,夜莺的服务端有两个模块:n9e-webapi 和 n9e-server,n9e-webapi 用于提供 API 给前端 JavaScript 使用,n9e-server 的职责是告警引擎和数据转发器。依赖的组件...
  • Alerts and Reports

    2656 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Requirements Commons In your or Disable dry-run mode In your Dockerfile Slack integration Kubernetes-specific Docker Compose s...
  • All Configurations

    2618 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Externalized Config File Hudi Table Config Hudi Table Basic Configs Spark Datasource Configs Read Options Write Options PreCommit Validator Configurations Flink Sql Configs ...
  • Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS)

    Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS) Introductions Barriers to common Spark job usage High Barrier Insecurity Compatibility Bootstrap latency Limitations of Spark ...
  • Security Configurations

    2500 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Provided Roles Admin Alpha Gamma sql_lab Public Managing Data Source Access for Gamma Roles REST API for user & role management Customizing Permissions Permissions Restri...
  • Server Properties (2.x)

    2479 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Property Types Below are properties set in or the Accumulo shell that configure Accumulo servers (i.e. tablet server, manager, etc). Properties labeled ‘Expe...
  • Docker Compose

    2450 2024-05-24 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Requirements ​ 1. Clone Superset’s GitHub repository ​ 2. Launch Superset Through Docker Compose ​ Option #1 - for an interactive development environment ​ Option #2 - build...
  • Publishing your site

    2448 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    Building Static HTML Pages Hosting Static HTML Pages Hosting on a Service: Using Vercel Using GitHub Pages Deploying to GitHub Pages Automating Deployments Using Continuous I...
  • 应用监控

    写在前面 埋点工具 夜莺自身监控 Webapi Server 数据抓取 参考资料 写在前面 应用监控实际要比 OS、中间件的监控更为关键,因为某个 OS 层面的指标异常,比如 CPU 飙高了,未必会影响终端用户的体验,但是应用层面的监控指标出问题,通常就会影响客户的感受、甚至影响客户的付费。 针对应用监控,Google提出了 4 个黄金指...
  • 1. Introduction to the Kyuubi Configurations System

    Introduction to the Kyuubi Configurations System Environments Kyuubi Configurations Authentication Backend Delegation Engine Frontend Ha Kinit Metrics Operation Session ...