Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.457 秒,为您找到 272 个相关结果.
  • Server Properties (3.x)

    2349 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Property Types Below are properties set in or the Accumulo shell that configure Accumulo servers (i.e. tablet server, manager, etc). Properties labeled ‘Expe...
  • MongoDB CDC

    Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Availability Settings Data Type Mapping Source Options Tips: How to Create a MongoDB CDC Data Synch...
  • Apache Hudi Stack

    2321 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Lake Storage File Formats Transactional Database Layer Table Format Indexes Table Services Clustering Compaction Cleaning Indexing Concurrency Control Lake Cache* Metase...
  • Apache Kafka Connector

    Dependencies Kafka Source (Consumer) example Advanced configuration parameters Consume multiple Kafka instances Consume multiple topics Topic dynamic discovery Consume from t...
  • 9. Distributed services

    2274 2024-06-19 《Redisson》
    9.1. Remote service 9.1.1. Remote service. Message flow 9.1.2. Remote service. Fire-and-forget and ack-response modes 9.1.3. Remote service. Asynchronous, Reactive and RxJava3 c...
  • Alert SPI

    DolphinScheduler Alert SPI 主要设计 DolphinScheduler SPI 设计 主要模块 Alert SPI 主要类信息: Alert SPI 内置实现 DolphinScheduler Alert SPI 主要设计 DolphinScheduler SPI 设计 DolphinScheduler 正在处于微内...
  • siteConfig.js

    2118 2024-06-03 《Docusaurus 1.14.7》
    User Showcase siteConfig Fields Mandatory Fields baseUrl [string] colors [object] copyright [string] favicon [string] headerIcon [string] headerLinks [array] organizat...
  • Using Spark

    2114 2024-06-28 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Hudi Streamer Options Using hudi-utilities bundle jars Concurrency Control Checkpointing Transformers SQL Query Transformer SQL File Transformer Flattening Transformer Chai...
  • Storage

    2065 2024-07-01 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Does Hudi support cloud storage/object stores? What is the difference between copy-on-write (COW) vs merge-on-read (MOR) table types? How do I migrate my data to Hudi? How to co...
  • 告警通知

    webapi.conf server.conf 夜莺告警通知,内置支持邮件、钉钉机器人、企微机器人、飞书机器人多种方式作为发送通道,也支持调用自定义脚本和Webhook,给用户自定义发送通道的能力。相关配置在 webapi.conf 和 server.conf 中都有涉及。这里分别讲解。 webapi.conf [[ NotifyChannels ...