Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.507 秒,为您找到 63 个相关结果.
  • Creating your first interoperable table

    Pre-requisites Steps Initialize a pyspark shell Create dataset Running sync Conclusion Next steps Using OneTable to sync your source tables in different target format invo...
  • Table Design

    1260 2024-06-21 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Basic Table RowID Design Lexicoders Indexing Entity-Attribute and Graph Tables Document-Partitioned Indexing Basic Table Since Accumulo tables are sorted by row ID, each ta...
  • Cleaning

    1230 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Background Cleaning Retention Policies Configs Ways to trigger Cleaning Inline Async Run independently CLI Related Resources Background Cleaning is a table service emplo...
  • Google BigQuery

    1220 2024-06-30 《Apache Hudi 0.15.0》
    Sync Modes Manifest File Benefits of using the new manifest approach: View Over Files (Legacy) Configurations Partition Handling Example Hudi tables can be queried from Goo...
  • 1. Overview

    1217 2024-06-16 《Redisson》
    Redisson is the Redis Java client and Real-Time Data Platform. It provides more convenient and easiest way to work with Redis. Redisson objects provides a separation of concern, wh...
  • Hive Metastore

    Syncing to Hive Metastore Pre-requisites Steps Running sync Register the target table in Hive Metastore Conclusion Syncing to Hive Metastore This document walks through the...
  • 所依赖的开源项目

    Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 该项目建立在以下开源项目的基础上并得到其帮助。我们向这些项目致以敬意。 Apache-2.0 https://g...
  • SSO 集成

    背景介绍 SSO 登录工作流 如何启用SSO登录 注意事项 背景介绍 作为企业实践,在应用程序中应用单点登录 (SSO) 是很常见的,这样可以通过集中且安全的方式管理用户凭证。 基于 Streampark 使用 Apache Shiro 进行身份验证和授权的事实,我们将使用 Pac4j 框架来实现单点登录 (SSO) 支持功能。 Pac4j 是...
  • BigLake Metastore

    Pre-requisites Steps Create BigLake Catalog Create BigLake Database Running sync Validating the results Conclusion This document walks through the steps to register a OneTa...
  • Notice

    1106 2024-05-20 《Apache Answer 1.3.0》
    Open-Source Software Notice Apache-2.0 MIT and Apache-2.0 MIT BSD-3-Clause BSD-2-Clause MPL-2.0 Open-Source Software Notice The project is built on and with the aid of the...