Detach All On Commit Copy On Attach Serialization of Detachable classes JDO provides an interface to the persistence of objects. JDO 1.0 didn’t provide a way of taking an objec...
MySQL 数据源 是否原生支持 MySQL 数据源 数据源:选择 MYSQL 数据源名称:输入数据源的名称 描述:输入数据源的描述 IP 主机名:输入连接 MySQL 的 IP 端口:输入连接 MySQL 的端口 用户名:设置连接 MySQL 的用户名 密码:设置连接 MySQL 的密码 数据库名:输入连接 MySQL 的数据库名称 Jdbc...
Support those engines Key features Description Supported DataSource list Database dependency Data Type Mapping Options tips Task Example simple: parallel: parallel bounda...
Implement SpotBugs plugin Create Maven project Write java code to represent bug to find Write test case to ensure your detector can find bug Write java code to avoid false-posit...
Environments requirement Preparation for integration configuration for connecting Kubernetes configuration for coKubernetes RBAC Configuration for remote Docker service Job s...
Redisson is the Redis Java client and Real-Time Data Platform. It provides more convenient and easiest way to work with Redis. Redisson objects provides a separation of concern, wh...
Approaches Use Hudi for new partitions alone Convert existing table to Hudi Using Hudi Streamer Using Spark Datasource Writer Using Spark SQL CALL Procedure Using Hudi CLI C...