Users may add custom functions to AGE. When using Cypher functions, all function calls with a Cypher query use the default namespace of: ag_catalog . However if a user wants to us...
If you do not want certain section headings to be included in the table of contents, you can add two classes to the heading: unlisted and unnumbered . For example: # Section hea...
Running Tests Fully Running Tests for a Module Running Tests for a Single Test Kyuubi can be tested based on Apache Maven and the ScalaTest Maven Plugin, please refer to the ...
When you want to extract all R code from an R Markdown document, you can call the function knitr::purl() . Below is a simple Rmd example with the filename purl.Rmd : --- title ...
The basic R session information when compiling this book is as follows: xfun :: session_info ( c ( 'bookdown' , 'knitr' , 'rmarkdown' , 'xfun' ), dependencies = F...
To generate a Word document from R Markdown, you can use the output format word_document . If you want to include cross-references in the document, you may consider the output for...