Devlive 开源社区 本次搜索耗时 0.449 秒,为您找到 402 个相关结果.
  • 选择服务

    Steps 下一步 更多信息 根据在Select Stack 步骤中选择的堆栈,您可以选择要安装到集群中的服务。堆栈包含许多服务。您可以选择立即安装任何其他可用的服务,或稍后添加服务。默认情况下,群集安装向导会选择所有可用的服务进行安装。 SmartSense 部署是强制性的。您无法清除使用群集安装向导安装 SmartSense 的选项。 选...
  • 1.3 Install missing LaTeX packages

    968 2024-05-07 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    When you compile a document to PDF through LaTeX, you may run into errors like these: !LaTeXError:File‘ocgbase.sty′notfound.!pdfTeXerror:pdflatex(file8r.enc):cannotopenencodingfi...
  • 2. Auxiliary SQL Functions for Spark SQL

    Auxiliary SQL Functions for Spark SQL Auxiliary SQL Functions for Spark SQL Kyuubi provides several auxiliary SQL functions as supplement to Spark’s Built-in Functions ...
  • 4.1 Insert page breaks

    952 2024-05-23 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    When you want to break a page, you can insert the command \newpage in the document. It is a LaTeX command, but the rmarkdown package is able to recognize it for both LaTeX outpu...
  • 6.2 Pandoc options for LaTeX output

    949 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    If you are using the default Pandoc template for LaTeX output, there are several options that you may set to adjust the appearance of the PDF output document. We list a few exampl...
  • Choose Services

    Steps Next Step More Information Based on the Stack chosen during the Select Stack step, you are presented with the choice of Services to install into the cluster. A Stack com...
  • Database

    activity answer collection collection_group comment config meta notification power question report revision role role_power_rel site_info tag tag_rel uniqid user ...
  • Caching

    943 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Configuration Accumulo tablet servers have block caches that buffer data in memory to limit reads from disk. This caching has the following benefits: reduces latency when rea...
  • Z-Ordering Support

    940 2024-07-05 《Apache Kyuubi 1.9.1》
    Introduction Supported table format Supported column data type How to use Optimize history data Syntax Examples Optimize incremental data To improve query speed, Kyuubi su...
  • 9.2 Display HTML widgets

    937 2024-05-24 《R Markdown Cookbook》
    References HTML widgets ( ) are typically interactive JavaScript applications, which only work in HTML output. If you knit an Rmd document containing H...