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  • Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS)

    Kyuubi v.s. Spark Thrift JDBC/ODBC Server (STS) Introductions Barriers to common Spark job usage High Barrier Insecurity Compatibility Bootstrap latency Limitations of Spark ...
  • 单机部署 (Standalone)

    PostgreSQL (8.2.15+) or MySQL (5.7系列):两者任选其一即可 JDK (1.8+):必装,请安装好后在/etc/profile下配置 JAVA_HOME 及 PATH 变量 ZooKeeper (3.4.6+):必装 pstree or psmisc:Mac OS必装pstree,Fedora/Red/Hat/Ce...
  • Security Configurations

    4031 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Provided Roles Admin Alpha Gamma sql_lab Public Managing Data Source Access for Gamma Roles REST API for user & role management Customizing Permissions Permissions Restri...
  • Features

    3911 2024-06-21 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Table Design and Configuration Iterators Security labels Constraints Sharding Large Rows Namespaces Volume support Integrity/Availability Manager fail over Logical time L...
  • MongoDB CDC

    Support Those Engines Key Features Description Supported DataSource Info Availability Settings Data Type Mapping Source Options Tips: How to Create a MongoDB CDC Data Synch...
  • Guidelines

    3824 2024-05-25 《Apache Superset 4.0.1》
    Protocol Authoring Reviewing Test Environments Revert Guidelines Design Guidelines Capitalization guidelines Sentence case How to refer to UI elements **Exceptions to senten...
  • 9. Distributed services

    3824 2024-06-19 《Redisson》
    9.1. Remote service 9.1.1. Remote service. Message flow 9.1.2. Remote service. Fire-and-forget and ack-response modes 9.1.3. Remote service. Asynchronous, Reactive and RxJava3 c...
  • Server Properties (3.x)

    3816 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Property Types Below are properties set in or the Accumulo shell that configure Accumulo servers (i.e. tablet server, manager, etc). Properties labeled ‘Expe...
  • Platform Deployment

    Environmental requirements ​ Hadoop ​ Kubernetes ​ Build & Deploy ​ Environmental requirements ​ install streampark ​ Initialize table structure ​ Modify the configurat...
  • In-depth Installation

    3723 2024-06-22 《Apache Accumulo 2.x》
    Hardware Network Download Tarball Dependencies Configuration Configure Native Map Building Native Maps Configuration Cluster Specification Configure accumu...